Fear of a thing that may happen.

There is a common pattern of occurrences:

  1. You anticipate a bad thing or symptom may happen
  2. Your anticipation creates fear and Anxiety
  3. The anxiety causes the bad thing to happen
  4. Your fears are reinforced

This Snowball Effects shows up in all sorts of places.

  • Fear of failing a test causes your study to be unfocused which causes you to perform poorly.
  • Fear of missing a shot causes your brain to forget how to make your arms move right and you miss.
  • Fear of misspeaking in front of someone causes you to misspeak.

Three techniques I’ve come across to break this chain:

  • lean in to failing - use Paradoxical Intentions and try to anticipate how bad the thing could go. This alleviates pressure and can cause it to go better.
  • reframe fear as excitement. The body signals for both are essentially the same, and you can often trick yourself into being excited to (give a big presentation/make the phone call/whatever)
  • go first - minimize the amount of time spent agonizing. Jump directly into the pool without dipping in a toe. Volunteer to be the first one on the group presentation. Get it over with. => Action Relieves Anxiety
