The philosophical thesis of “How to Take Smart Notes”

  1. Give each task your full attention
  2. Don’t multitask — Never Multitask
  3. Give each task the right kind of attention — Mental Time Blocking & bringing a knife to a gunfight
  4. Become an expert instead of a planner — Learn by Doing & Bias Toward Action
  5. Get closure - free your short term memory by getting closure on tasks — Think, Don’t Remember & Open Loops
    1. Use GTD and an inbox
    2. Break tasks down into actions that can be accomplished without dangling threads. You do the thing. It’s done. You move on.
      1. Not “call bank”, but “ask bank at 555-555-5555 about fees and make notes on options”
  6. Reduce the Number of Decisions — Decision Fatigue & Decide and Move On
    1. Use standard processes and systematize the administrative stuff in a simple, intuitive way, so that you don’t have to think about “Where” or “How” To capture a task or not, but instead you can focus on the thing itself. — Standard Processes
