A good thing to ask yourself when you’re not feeling Flow or Presence:

What is this situation asking of me?

Life doesn’t allow for you to do whatever you want, whenever you want. You can try to “make” things happen, but it’s best if you go with the flow. Don’t Force It. Be receptive to whatever the situation you’re in calls for. If your kid is wanting attention, and the work you’re trying to get done can wait… it’s probably better to play with your kid than try to grind your way through the work. Acting in congruence with what the situation calls for provides universally better overall satisfaction.


“This situation” includes your surroundings, the happenings going on in them, the people you’re with, and, importantly, you. Make sure you pause to do some Interoception, take a read of yourself into your account of the situation.

You can set yourself up to ask ”What is this Situation Asking of Me?” more often through good Life Design. This is what David Allen was referring to with his “Mind like Water” stuff.


  • Amalgamation of notes