One of the first things to know about this book is that it is not about how to become “The Dude”. Mark Manson comes across more like a Tyler Durden (minus most of the nihilism) than Jeff Lebowski. Here’s some fun quote comparisons:
Mark Manson
You and everyone you know will be dead soon.
There is little unique or special about your problems.
You are already choosing, in every moment of every day, what to give a f_ck about, so change is as simple as choosing to give a f_ck about something else.
Tyler Durden
You have to know, not fear, know, that someday you’re going to die.
You are not special.
The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.
Beyond that fun little comparison, the major messages of this book are as follows:
- You must care about something. You have the ability to choose what you care about. Choose better things to care about.
- It’s not possible to have a life with no problems. You should seek to have better problems.
- Every problem in your life you are responsible for. Even things that can’t possibly be your fault (which is a smaller list of things than you probably think) you are still responsible for how you respond to those things.
- Action isn’t always a result of motivation; often times the causal relationship goes the other way.
- Wanting more positive experiences is a negative experience. Accepting a negative experience is a positive one.
- Seek to understand your reactions and emotions. Ask “why” until you get down to your core values. Become familiar with your values and why you value them. They may not be helping you.