Schedule your day into themed blocks & behave according to those themes.



Time Blocking, also known as “Block Scheduling”, is a productivity and time-management technique wherein you schedule your day into pre-allotted chunks, assigning an activity, project, or theme to each. During the block, you should work on the block’s associated member of the Action→Task→Project→Area Hierarchy. That is, you can set aside a block to work on a given task, or project, or more generally spend time thinking about or attending to a given area. Take time to do a mental refresh before going into the block so you’re head is in the right space (Mental Time Blocking). Include blocks for Scheduled Breaks. Don’t worry about Planned Wasted Time, because time you planned to waste cannot be wasted.


There can also be different Types of Time Blocks. All kinds can be enhanced when you Treat Work Sessions like the Cinema.

Pros and Cons



  • It requires a lot of pre-planning
  • It requires a lot of re-planning when something prevents you from sticking to your block schedule, or Planning Fallacy strikes and something takes longer than you expect
  • It will be uncomfortable when you don’t “feel” like doing what you’ve blocked off time to do, and if you fail to make Traction you will have essentially not time blocked at all.
