How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Creating and Productive Self
Bored and Brilliant is a book about the virtues of boredom, and how our current trend of eradicating boredom at all costs might be costing more than we think. It explores some of the ramifications of a lack of boredom, some of the benefits of being bored, and sets out a series of seven challenges designed to help you realize the nature of your relationship with your phone and boredom as a concept.
Our brains are not biologically adapted to deal with constant information and stimulation. Manoush makes a really good parallel between novel information and candy. We like candy. We like novel information and stimulation. But, much like eating a huge bowl of candy will leave you feeling unsatisfied and a little bloated, so too will binging on novel information and entertainment.
Boredom puts the brain into a special mode. It activates the “neutral” circuit, which allows you to think autobiographically. It also opens the mind to wandering to new places and seeing things from new perspectives. Manoush gave some examples of creations that came out of boredom. I don’t really remember any.
The structure of the book is based around these seven challenges that Manoush originally gave out to the listeners of her podcast “Note to Self”.