Make good habits easier and bad ones harder. Simple. Very effective.
Unkink the Hose
It is woefully underappreciated how effective making something easy to do will cause people to do it more - and making something more difficult will make them do it less. You can use this with yourself to enable new habits to form. Alternatively, if you make bad habits more difficult, you’ll do them less.
Tailor Your Environment
Make bad habits harder
- Unplug the TV when you’re done with it
- Don’t keep junk foods in your house
- Plug your phone in outside your bedroom before bed
Make good habits easier
- Put your vitamins next to the coffee
- Place a journal on your bedside table
- Use automation
- Use the 2 Minute Rule
Precommitment Device
There are some pretty sure fire ways to make good habits inevitable and bad ones impossible. Watch too much TV? Throw out your TV. Have your spouse change your social media password on Monday, and not give it to you until Friday night. Set up an account to automatically round-up all purchases to the nearest dollar and invest the change.