Never settle for something that’s less than a 90% fit for your life.

There’s a TED Talk that says “if the answer isn’t ‘Hell Yes’ the answer should be ‘No’.” A closet shouldn’t be full of clothes that “I might wear someday in the future”. They should be full of clothes you absolutely love. The essence of 👉 Less, but Better

The 90% rule: if you’re evaluating an option, and come up with some criteria for whether or not it’s a good fit — if the option is below a 90% fit, it’s not good enough. If you accept everything that might be a good fit, you won’t have space for the things that come along that actually are.

➡️ Make decisions by design, rather than default.

It can be more fulfilling, AND more financially lucrative to be the best at one thing, than to be good at everything.


A smattering form various sources

Don't Half Ass Two Things. Whole-ass One Thing. - Nick Offerman

There are always more ideas than can be successfully pursued - Brian Moran
