Some lesser-supported Markdown syntaxes

While nearly all Markdown clients support the basic markdown syntax, there are some “official” extended syntaxes that are not as widely supported. These are, unfortunately, also things that applications have come up with their own non-standard ways to implement, including Notion Markdown and Obsidian-flavored markdown.

Things commonly added:

  • Tables

    | Header | Second Header, much longer | Third Header |
    | :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
    | Left-aligned text | Centered text! | Right-aligned text.  |
    | A3  | B3 | C3 |
  • Fenced Code Blocks

    let i = 0;
  • Footnotes

    My footnoted word[^1].
    [^1]: Footnote for that.
  • Highlights

    The ==highlighted phrase== is in double equals signs.
  • Superscript/Subscript

    3^2 = 9
    H~2~O = water
  • Em and En-dashes

    -- en dash
    --- em dash
  • Strikethrough

    This is ~~lame~~ cool.

Extended Markdown Specs/support:

  • Github-flavored Markdown
    • A strict superset of CommonMark
  • Kramdown
  • Showdown
  • MultiMarkdown


Extended Syntax | Markdown Guide

Comparison of features in various Markdown flavors