Are you consistently performing at a 3 to a 7? Or consistently outside that range?

Morale Responsiveness is how much you tend to let your “morale” affect your creative output. If you are are highly morale responsive, you may produce 100x a “normal” days work on your “good” days… but your bad days yield nothing. If you’re not very morale responsive, your “good” days are only slightly better than your normal days, but your bad days are only slightly worse.

In practice, this looks like staying in “the zone” as long as humanly possible when you’re in it, to the detriment of your typical productive routine. This means you’re highly morale responsive. And it means you are going to probably crash and burn.

Being non/responsive to your morale means your better at breaking down your work to smaller chunks and also stopping before you want to when you’re having a good day.

Stallone wrote all of Rocky in a 3 day binge, so he’s highly morale responsive.


  • Ultraworking Podcast episode 1