**Daily reviews are a common, good, and easy habit. **

Plan weekly, review daily. - Andrey Sergeyev

The concept of a daily review is not new. They’ve been used by famous thinkers and politicians and writers throughouts time.

To help build the habit - utilize the 2 Minute Rule of Habits. Make the scope of the review incredibly narrow. Write one sentence about the day. Or use automation to generate a dashboard of your items to review. There are a bunch of apps and services you could use to help wrangle your data… or you could build one from scratch. A Google Form is a great and easy starting point.

Good Items for Daily Reviews

  • Write a journal entry recapping the day
  • Write the biggest accomplishment
  • Write down your biggest stressors
  • Write one gratitude
  • Review quantified self metrics
  • Look at your calendar or task list for today and tomorrow
  • Look at your GTD Inbox
