Your environment changes who you are.

Your environment changes you. It changes who you are, how you think, how you act, what your interests are. You are not stagnant, but constantly changing to the environment you’re in and the role you may take in it. It can be the Angel on your shoulder, or the Devil. Environment-dependent behavioral personas exist. We are one person at home by ourselves, another when we are around our coworkers, a 3rd person around our immediate family members, a 4th around our friends, and even more when we are driving/exercising/public speaking.

Small situational factors can change outcomes much more than any in-built traits of a person. The “Good Samaratin” experiment showed that whether or not a student in a study would stop to help someone who was showing signs of serious medical distress was whether or not that student had been told they were going to be late or early for a fake appointment they were walking to.
