How Notion Notion flavors its Extended Markdown Syntax Extended Markdown Syntax

This note is an experiment to see how Notion handles Markdown. This page was originally written in Notion. I see here, now, in Obsidian that Obsidian handles the exact same feature set. Neat. Obsidian also has a mechanism for storing highlights to plain text. So that’s nice.

Fully supported in Markdown:



Thru Three

Something bold Something italic Something both Something striken Something in code

Block quotes

  • Unordered Lists
  • I expect are fine.
  1. Ordered lists
  2. are too
  • Task one
  • Task two is checked ← inferred link

A forced link there ← explicit link

# Headings

## Two

### Thru Three

Something **bold**
Something *italic*
Something ***both***
Something ~~striken~~
Something in `code`

> Block quotes
- Unordered Lists
- I expect are fine.
1. Ordered lists
2. are too
- [ ]  Task one
- [x]  Task two is checked ← inferred link

[A forced link there]( ← explicit link

Note “mom” in the table lost its boldness

Sort of Supported

These are non-standard markdown, but DO keep some styling info

Column AColumn B
Row 2Hi
Row 3Mom

👉 This is a callout

	a --> b
|x| = 5

| Column A | Column B |
| --- | --- |
| Row 2 | Hi |
| Row 3 | Mom |

> [!tldr] 👉 This is a callout


	a --> b

# Features lost to plain text


Something underlined. 
Something yellow. 
Something highlighted.

- Toggles are turned into regular lists
    But contained blocks *are* indented, at least

Something underlined. Something yellow. Something highlighted.

  • Toggles are turned into regular lists

    But contained blocks are indented, at least

### Source

# Source

Determined through experimentation.

### Related
- [[Markdown]] 
- [[Notion]] 
- [[Extended Markdown Syntax]]