A note is only as valuable as its context – its network of associations, relationships, and connections to other information.

➡️ A note is only as valuable as its context – its network of associations, relationships, and connections to other information.

In a zettelkasten, because there is no pre-planned hierarchy, notes can be added midstream and branches and forks could continue as long as is needed. Each note can be traced upstream to find its predecessor thoughts, or downstream to find its successors completing a given (set of) train(s) of thought. This homogeneity allows for the ebbs and flows research to be directly reflected in the notetaking system.

Because of the lack of hierarchy, there are no natural gaps between disparate notes. Connections between thoughts in any realm can be more easily found and those connections expanded upon. These connections are more valuable than the notes themselves.

The method also encourages constant trolling through your entire repository to find connections between your collections. This means you’re less likely to forget concepts you’ve researched.
